Monday, July 28, 2008

July 4th

On the 4th of July this year, despite the rain, we started the day by hanging the flag above our front door. The rain dampened not only the lawns we were to sit on to watch the parade but our spirits as well. No one likes a rainy 4th. However, by mid-day when all the festivities began, the sun was out, and everything had brightened and dried up quite a bit. We set off for the day's activities dressed in red, white and blue with family, houseguests, greek and pasta salads and lawn chairs in tow.

We started at Matt's house where a young, festive crowd was already assembled and celebrating our country's birthday! Matt had a huge plate of raw tuna and all the fixin's for some delicious sushi. He and Nick thoroughly enjoyed it...

Nicholas arrived from Newport just in time to join in the fun...

At the Carnuccio's, we also played Corn Hole, an outdoor bean bag type game that keeps everyone entertained. Matt, Nicholas, our house guest, Gianni, and my nephew, William, had a rousing game....

At our next stop, the Hendrens', we had more lunch. This time we had the more traditional 4th of July fare of hamburgers, hot dogs, potato salad. They also had a special 4th of July cake...

At two o'clock, the parade began it's journey down Washington Street. Somewhere along the way, I forgot to keep taking photos, so this year's take was pretty small...

After the parade, we returned home where our neighborhood was alive with celebration. Two side by side neighbors were having parties; one a lobster/clam bake and the other a southern BBQ with ribs and pulled pork. Starting at dusk, there were fireworks displays everywhere! The skies were beautifully lit all around. We just stood at the water's edge with a few friends in awe of the wonder of it all.

Thursday, July 03, 2008

What a difference a day makes...

Fishing is a favorite summer pastime in Duxbury. Most anglers go out on the Duxbury and Plymouth Bays for striped bass and bluefish. Our good friend, Matt, an avid fisherman, took Lindsey and I out on his boat recently to go fishing for striped bass, or striper as they are more commonly called. We left the dock around 5 am on a beautiful, calm morning. First, we had to catch around 12-15 'pogies' to use as live bait for the stripers. Matt is a pro at this. He finds a school of pogies, casts his line into them and drags it through. He nearly always snags a fish. Lindsey is getting better at this skill and I was completely hopeless but enjoyed being there and watching the action.

Lindsey has a pogie on her line...

and Matt helps her bring it in...

We got plenty of live bait but unfortunately all our efforts at catching striper were in vain and we went home empty handed.

The following day, Matt and two fishing buddies set off in his boat on a tuna fishing expedition. They did the same routine catching the pogies in the bay and then went about 15 miles offshore toward Provincetown to a popular feeding ground for larger fish and mamals. They saw whales, shark and tuna. Not long after they arrived, Matt got a tuna on his line and about 1 hour later he landed the 180 pound, 66 inch long fish! This is the biggest fish caught by anyone in Duxbury so far this summer. We went down to the harbor to meet them and see the catch of the day!

Taking the fish off the boat...

Todd Roberts, Matt Carnuccio and Willy Woodruff...

What a difference a day makes!!

Needless to say, we enjoyed a delicious dinner of fresh grilled tuna that night. YUMMY!