Saturday, September 27, 2008

Rentree encore!

It's nearly the end of our first month in Aix and it sure has been a busy one! For a variety of reasons we've felt our third rentree has beene most difficult one so far. Moving into an apartment, adjusting to 'city' life, difficulties setting up communication all contributed to the process. We are just now feeling mostly settled into the apartment and are no longer living out of the boxes. We got the internet line up and running last Friday and this morning our land line has also finally started working!! Yes, you can now phone us (33 44 260 0182)! To some, living without these modern day 'conveniences' might seem like a welcome change, but living over here, the internet is our lifeline to the outside, English-speaking world, not to mention how Nick does business. Lack of an internet connection is my excuse for writing but one blog entry since we arrived so now I’ll attempt to catch up on what’s been going on.

The entire month of September is all about the “Rentree”. There are rentree parties, rentree lunches, rentree sales(especially for back to school supplies) and more. In general, it’s when everyone “re enters” life as they knew it before summer vacation. The most common use for 'rentree' is for 'back to school'. This year, Sarah is in the 'quatrieme classe' equivalent for US eighth grade at The International Bilingual School of Provence (IBS). Here she is on the first day of school with several of the girls in her class.

The parking situation at school has a particularly bad and well deserved reputation. On the first day of school, minus Antoine, the traffic director, it was a 'catastrophe'! Pure grid lock for about 30 minutes, which gave all the parents extra time for some rentree reuniting.

'Rentree' is definitley a time to reconnect with friends who you haven't seen all summer. We’ve been busy getting together with friends for lunches, dinners, a swim or a hike.

Hilary and Dom had us over for dinner to their new and first apartment! Lindsey's friend, Caroline, also studying here this semester from College of Charleston, came along.

Fabien and Cecile has the Bates and Jones families over for an al fresco rentree lunch. We had a chance to meet the newest addition to their family: Douglas, an adorable ,11 week old, King Charles Spaniel, with whom we all fell instantly in love!

Caroline really seemed to enjoy the day!

Darrin got a big laugh out of her!

Julie, Cecile and I were thrilled to be reunited.

Nick and I have gone on two beautiful hikes with the International Hiking Group of Provence. The first, to the southeast to the lovely, coastal town of Bandol, and the second to the southwest to the smaller and a bit more rugged, coastal town of Niolon.



Julie Butler emerging from one of several tunnels we passed through...

Off the trail, we've also enjoyed being right in Aix this month. The town has been alive with rentree street festivals nearly every weekend. One festival seemed to be all about modes of transportation and another all about movement be it dance, roller blading or scootering. It is a treat to be promenading on the Cours Mirabeau without any cars. Nick was fascinated by all the dancing in the street. We thought perhaps Nick was going to sign up for salsa or belly dancing classes!

Last but not least, this past Thursday was our first Women's Monthly Luncheon, called what else? the Rentree lunch!

That's all for now. See you in October!!!

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