Sunday, September 30, 2007

Bonjour from Basil!

Hi, this is Sarah writing....Since this year we were unable to take our dog over to France, my parents said it would be alright to get a bunny. We just got her and named her Basil. She is very lovable and follows me around when she is out of her cage. It is very cute!!! She is small, grey and French!!! When we got her we needed to get a cage of course and so we had to choose between a 43euro cage and a 53euro cage. We don’t know why but the 53euro cage was HUGE!!!! So that is the one we chose! I think my neighbor Hannah who is seven, could probably sleep in it and get a good night's sleep!

Basil is wonderful and has helped me learn to take on a big responsibility since the cage is about as big as me it is almost like having a child!!! But I still love her!!!
Here, my friend, Mckenna and I are playing with her...

Post by Sarah Bates

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