Monday, April 20, 2009

Bon Anniversaire Nick!

Those of us of a certain age know that numbers are just that, numbers.....and unlike for Sarah, maybe better if not counted. Afterall, it's how you feel that counts. We celebrated Nick's birthday with much merriment, with friends of many ages and it all felt wonderful! For the third year in a row, we celebrated with our good friend, Hilary How Rivera, who's birthday is the same day as Nick's; April 9th. The evening began with aperos and a champagne rendezvous at our apartment.

With everyone assembled, we walked over to our favorite, Pasta Cosy, where our friend and host, Fabien had a special table set for us in his cave. Here, we enjoyed a delightful evening of good food, drink, stories, laughter and friendship. Definitely a memory to be savored....

Bon anniversaire Nick!

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