Friday, October 27, 2006

Evening in Rome

Friday, October 27
After a jam packed day we went back to the apartment to rest. Nick, who'd managed a good power nap, was raring to go again by 5. Sarah and I were moving a bit slower having played games instead, but we eventually rallied and headed out on foot again to go uptown and visit the Pantheon before dinner. We are after all, the "walking" Three Musketeers. The Pantheon was yet another unbelievable architectural relic from imperial Rome. The current building was probably built between 120 and 125 A.D. We enjoyed our time inside looking at the art work, sculptures and the interior itself. When the lights came on the dome was very dramatic.
Bust of Rafael, who is buried in the Pantheon.

It was very dark outside and unfortunately, the photos are rather dark too. It really changed the look of the place. We thought about what it would be like to have the opportunity to see each of the places we've visited here in both day and night light. Things look so different in each. There was quite a crowd inside and out on the Piazza as well. Everyone just seemed to be enjoying looking at the impressive structure or eating a pizza or having a cafe or playing on the steps around the fountain.

Nick and Sarah spotted a restaurant on the piazza that they liked and made yet another reservation for 7:30 (bringing our total to 3 at 7: 30 for that evening!). With an hour yet to go, we set off to stroll around until it was time for dinner. Eating late lunches, it is easy to see why Europeans can manage to eat as late as they do… have to wait that long just to be hungry again! We window shopped and even went into a few stores but found no ‘must haves’. Ballet flats for Sarah still elusive. This store was filled with all kinds of mouthwatering goodies....
We really love all the fine paper stores all over the city. Sarah enjoyed looking at the Advent Calendars here.

We went back for our meal which, unfortunately, was a disappointment but at least we were in a nice outdoor piazza setting and the Chianti Classico was delicious! While we were strolling home from dinner, we found ourselves walking alongside a very elderly Priest carrying a heavy briefcase. Nick patted him on the back and asked if he could be of assistance since we were going in the same direction. He was somewhat startled at first but when Nick assured him he meant no harm and just wanted to help, he agreed to let him carry his load. Little did he know that it was as heavy as can be, maybe 20 lbs or more of “books”……Who knows what was in there!! Well, the weight gave Nick an immediate list and so he switched the valise from side to side as he really was “heavy laden”! After a few blocks, the priest indicated he was headed in a different direction than we, perhaps the Vatican? Anyway, he was most appreciative and we went our separate ways. What we will never know is where he finally rested for the night and what was in that suitcase?!

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